Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ghost Seeker-Shadow People Vol: 3- Available in April

Have you ever wondered what that fleeting image may have know the one you sometimes catch out of the corner of your eye, but as soon as you turn your head it's gone! The feeling of always being watched, for weeks, months, sometimes even for years. And even on very rare occurrences having this being who is darker than the deepest black, come to you point blank right in front of your face!

Well it's happened to me... and I can tell you it scared the living hell out of me! It was back in the early part of the 80's, while watching an episode of a Thundercats cartoon, "an Awesome cartoon by the way... " Anyway, I was sitting on the couch in my living room, when at first I was zoned out on Snarf one of the Characters of the show, who was ranting and raving to Lionel the main cat. When all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a shadowy nose, about the Size of Danny Thomas and old 60's comedian. It was only for about a few seconds, but man did it really creep me out! I got up opened the front door, so I could make a quick get away if I needed too, then went on to check the rest of the house. Nobody was there! It wasn't until I came back into the living room, rounding the corner, when this dark mass came face to face with me, causing my legs to go weak, until I was on the floor "Good thing I left that front door open!" Anyway, as soon as my butt hit the floor, it was gone! Just another little back story to why hunting the paranormal became such a huge part of my life!

I never did see that shadow person again..." I suppose if a shadow person can laugh so hard to piss their own cloaks or what have you... the being must of figured, to leave me alone for awhile :)"

Ghost Seeker-Shadow People Vol: 3 will be available on April 14th at Amazon. I've been researching Shadow beings ever since that most frightening day! And just recently, put all my material together for this book. Hopefully, this book will strike a couple of cords with fellow investigators, and those who are just plain seeking answers to who, and what exactly are these strange dark shadows that walk among us. This field guide is designed to help investigators understand who and what these being are. So when confronting clients who have extreme fear of these shadowy beings, they are able to ease their fears by bringing this knowledge to them as well.

A few chapters from the book:
- What Exactly Are Shadow People
- Types of Shadow People
- Can They Really Hurt You
- Shadow People and Sleep Paralysis
- How to Deal With Shadow People
- Shadow People Pictures

And like always stay safe! And Have An Awesome Easter! :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

What Exactly are Demons?

Personal Note: Whether you believe in Angels & Demons or not, it's doesn't hurt to have a little understanding of what you may be encountering at some point in your life. Especially if you have chosen to give ghost hunting a try! So, my next few posts carrying on over to next week, will focus on Everything Demon! I had a few of them on FB, but they've been having so many problems with their site, I'm choosing to post them here at my site. :)

So Exactly what are Demons?

Answer: In the Judeo/Christian belief, demons are "fallen angels" who conspired against the Heavenly Kingdom under the leadership of Satan, were defeated by the Archangel Michael and the holy angels, and were cast out of the Heavenly Realm...banished to roam the earth and the earthly heavens. Although we know very little about this terrible incident, it is assumed to have taken place long before recorded human history. Demons, like Satan and like their angelic counterparts, are inhuman spirit beings, never having been human...NOT the damned souls of evil humans.

Keep an eye on the next week or so for more posts! Have an Awesome and Safe Week! :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Are Demons Among Us!

My Personal Notes: First off, this blog, besides being a great platform to showcase all my recent books...that are available at, "Shameless Plug! :)"  I also wanted it to be a place where other paranormal Investigators shared some of their insights and articles to help you in becoming a well respected top notch Ghost Hunter! Most of the posts you'll read are going to be full length articles, on exactly what you'll need to know if you truly would like to break into the field of Paranormal Investigating. As it has always been written "Knowledge is Power...the more you have in your arsenal the better off you'll be when facing the unknown, and being able to deal with it :) And to those who have no wish, to be a Paranormal Investigator... I hope these posts, will help give you some much needed insights, and maybe even figure out what type of activity it is your experiencing, and how to deal with it on your own... or if it's too much to handle by yourself, maybe it's time to call a Paranormal group in your area who are well respected & trusted by your community. Either way, I wish every single one of you the very best, and hope that these posts are beneficial to all your needs when regarding the Paranormal!  

Demons are one of the known inhuman entities out there. Fortunately, they are a rare occurrence.
They are usually very easy to identify as long as they are not hiding. When it is a demonic haunting you typically notice a revolting stench similar to rotted flesh or sulfuric acid. They often let loose a growl that sounds like it is coming from everywhere at once. They like to make contact by pushing, shoving, hitting, and even scratching. The whole air in the affected area will feel thick like fog and the temperature will drastically change, typically becoming warmer.

These creatures are very strong, unlike human spirits, and they don't mind showing it. There have been cases where people have been thrown through the air and even attacked. Apparently, their main goal is to break down a person's free will in order to make way for possession. This can take days, months or years, but time is of no concern to them.

They have a hatred for mankind that dates back to the days of God and Lucifer. They have lived for millennia and will be here long after we are gone. So, you must understand that though you may be able to get these creatures to leave a dwelling with religious provocation you will never destroy them. They could go to the next place down the road if they choose, most likely they won't because distance is not a problem for these creatures. They could go from Maine to California on a thought.

They can take on any form they wish, but mostly commonly it is a half man, half animal form. They will have the head of an animal, the torso of a man, and the hairy legs of an animal. When they are approached by an investigating paranormal team they may feel threatened and appear in a human form to keep the home from being blessed and stop the use of religious provocation.

During an investigation you need assess the situation more by what happened before you arrived than what is actually going on during the time you are there. Demons are capable of changing form right in front of you from a human form to an inhuman form. They neither male nor female, but then can change that to meet their needs. People mostly see demons as black masses standing in doorways or near rooms. Sometimes they are called shadow devils.

If you feel like you have a demon in your home I would recommend getting help from a well known paranormal group as quickly as possible. Time is of the essence when dealing with these creatures.

Have an Awesome Week!