Tuesday, November 29, 2011

True Scary Stories-Things That Happened After Granddads Death by Nichole

My Personal Notes: First off, I wanted to see how many True Scary Stories, I could personally find in the public blog posts. But my mission also was to find short posts, that were actually written fairly decently! Hopefully, helping some of these blog posters get their ghost tales out there for you to enjoy. And also, at the same time give some insight to people out there, that may be experiencing some similar activity of your own...  Now onto True Ghost Tales from people all over the world.

First of all, I would like everyone to know that even when I was younger, I have never had any experiences with ghosts… the paranormal or anything weird in that matter! It was only a couple of years ago that I have experienced strange things happening around me and in my dreams so here are a few. A couple of years ago when I 15 or 16, me and my family went to visit my granddad (he sadly passed away 5 – 6 months after we visited) anyway, my granddad collected clocks of all types. He liked to fix them and every time me and my sisters came to visit we would count all the clocks he had (well over 400). I pointed out a clock which I really liked, it was beautiful and shone better than all the rest! However, we left my granddads house and a few weeks later I found the same clock I pointed out on my bed. I asked my mum, dad and sisters if they put it there and all said no! That weirded me out just a little. The next thing that happened was… after my granddads death, my mums brothers and sisters got to share all the gifts and belongings my granddad had. We got back plenty of clocks and nice furniture. However there was one thing my dad really liked and it was an AA badge that got screwed onto a really old fashioned car that my granddad had (my dad fixes old cars up as a hobby). We had this AA badge on the shelf in the kitchen, it was secure and stable, it would not be able to move with out someone picking it up. I was washing the pots up one day and the badge just flew across the room, I looked at my dad and asked if he had seen what happened… he just stood in shock and said “that’s happened 3 times today!” I also tend to see a black shadow which is comforting from the corner of my eye occasionally… sometimes I think its my granddad. Thank you and sorry its boring and long but that’s my experience!  More True Scary Stories to come!

Monday, November 21, 2011

True Scary Stories-Attacked By a Violent Spirit by Miss Tigerlily

My Personal Notes: First off, I wanted to see how many True Scary Stories, I could personally find in the public blog posts. But my mission also was to find short posts, that were actually written fairly decently! Hopefully, helping some of these blog posters get their ghost tales out there for you to enjoy. And also, at the same time give some insight to people out there, that may be experiencing some similar activity of your own...  Now onto True Ghost Tales from people all over the world.

I was attacked in my sleep by a violent (and rightfully, ticked off spirit) This is my ghost story. Let me start out by saying, this is my first real interaction with the undead, and honestly, I’m not sure I EVER want it to happen again. (and yes i realize this is a long one, but worth the read, promise) Mid- October 2011 two of my co works/model friends and I braced the 5 hour drive from our week long stint in Las Vegas and ventured to Nikki’s mother’s home in Phoenix, AZ. I sat in backseat, playing DJ and occasionally piping in on Nikki and Annie’s conversation. They are long time friends; and I am just the lucky bystander that will be joining them in a cross-country trip back to Colorado. Ok, what I am getting at is, I really don’t know these girls that well. Other then a few nights spent causing havoc on the strip and the eight (hangover) hours spent working an aviation convention (we are trade show models), we are just starting to get acquainted. After almost running over every desert animal we could find and an hour or so nap on my part, we arrive at our destination. Which was a stunning desert home in a suburban neighborhood and even at 2:30ish AM (when we arrived) it had quite a presence. Because it was late and Nikki’s siblings had school in the morning we snuck into the house, left our bags outside and headed straight bed. Annie and I shared a bed in the upstairs quest room right by the master bedroom and Nikki joined her mother in her room. Up until this point everything was normal. We both laid down and within minutes Annie was asleep. I generally have a hard time sleeping but within 20 min I began to slip into a dream state, and then experienced the most remarkable and most frightening moments in my life. In my dreams, or whatever realm I was in, I was surrounded by beautiful, breathtaking and overwhelming blue skies with cotton ball clouds. I remember thinking, “am I outside? This is wonderful and so beautiful.” The feeling from the dream almost brought me to tears, waves of emotions consumed me and then everything got dark. The feeling changed instantaneously to dread and fear as I slipped further into (what seemed like) a dream. I’m not sure if I felt or heard the presence first but there it was, next to me. A mans low voice speaking in tongues then a low growl, coming from where my friend Annie was lying next to me. The growls began to escalate and grow, louder and more sinister. Next I felt pressure on both of my shoulders before something or someone pushed me down into the bed. Then my body began to pulsate, like I was being shook awake. After what seemed like an eternity, but was most likely 5 seconds I woke up startled. At this point my initial reaction was to check on Annie, because the growls were coming from where she was laying. I looked over her body in the dark,. I have to input, I am a pretty good read on energy, I can feel it and sometimes see it being exuded from people, that being said, Annie might as well been dead, or not present. I couldn’t feel her presence; it was as if she was covered by a dark cloak that masked her completely from my view. I laid back down, brushed this all of as lack of sleep and a vivid imagination and closed my eyes. Granted, I WAS TERRIFIED. Don’t get it twisted. But seeing to the fact Annie had not been disturbed and I really didn’t want to wake her claiming I had been attacked in the same bed she was peacefully sleeping in. I sucked it up and tried to brush it off. NOT A GOOD IDEA. Within 3 minutes of me closing my eyes I became trapped in the dark dream realm and was now fighting something that had me by both of my wrists and was pulling me out of bed. Violently. We fought back and fourth for 10 seconds. Until, somehow, I severed the connection and open my eyes to me sitting straight up in bed, arms extended at a 90’ angle. I jumped out of bed, not even thinking to wake my friend and walked passed the open door to Nikki’s moms room. By some blessing both were still awake, chatting. I calmly asked if I could go downstairs for a glass of water while searching desperately though my phone for the number of a guy friend of mine who happens to be an oracle. After leaving a tearful and distressed message pleading him to call me back and help me, I ventured back upstairs to face the music. Granted, I am NOT a religious person, but the only thing I could think of that would protect me was a Bible. When I asked Nikki and her mom for one, at 3am, they both looked at me generally taken back and inquired what I needed it for because It was in some storage boxes and it might be a challenge to retrieve it. Feeling that the Bible was absolutely necessary, I asked a far more alarming question. “Have you ever had any paranormal activity in this house?” Terror, disbelief and shock. Both parties jumped out of bed and approached me with fear in their eyes and asking me what had happened. “I think I was just attacked by something.” Turns out I was. Nikki’s mother explained that there was a man, murdered by his wife in her bathroom. The wife had claimed that he had killed their son and that he had been abusive to her, though neither of these were ever proven. At this moment I was reduced to pile of tears and the reality of the situation sunk in. Turns out I am not the only one to be bothered by this “spirit”. On several occasions the mother has witnessed objects moving in front of her. She had told me that she had kind of a relationship established with this spirit and has “talked” to him before. More like talked at him and told him to cut the crap or she would move out. But turns out, as we all sat up together, mulling over what had happened with a fresh cup of coffee, we were able to associate two possible possessions in the house to the “spirit”. One was of a friend of the Mother, who they had thought had too much to drink mixed with pain pills and started crawling on all fours and speaking gibberish after being put to bed in the room I was attacked in. The other was my friend Nikki. One night she had been drinking and hanging out with her family and another family at the house. Out of the blue she started talking about the murder, got restless and was walked up and put to bed in the same room. NOW, Nikki can drink, I learned that in Vegas and yet her mother and Nikki had both realized that she had only 6 shots that night. Not even remotely close to the amount of booze I have seen her drink in one sitting. After she was put to bed, she woke up in a screaming, and “possessed” state as her mother described it and was threatening to shoot herself in the head. (The man who was murdered was shot in the head) Nikki became so out of control her own mother had to call the police and take her to the hospital where she didn’t snap out of this uncontrollable rage for FIVE hours while being strapped down to a stretcher. The connection to these events didn’t happen until we were all sitting together, going through old house documents and goggling the murder on the Internet. None of us slept that night. I refused to go upstairs for the reminder of the trip and slept on the couch and read a Bible passage for protection every morning and night. I have always been a believer and very in tune with my own personal energy, but now I am more then a believer. I am coming to realize that my connection the spirit world runs fairly deep and it is NOT a force to be reckoned with.  More True Scary Stories to come!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

True Ghost Tales-A Haunting In the Valley by Raymond

My Personal Notes: First off, I wanted to see how many True Ghost Tales, I could personally find in the public blog posts. But my mission also was to find short posts, that were actually written fairly decently! Hopefully, helping some of these blog posters get their ghost tales out there for you to enjoy. And also, at the same time give some insight to people out there, that may be experiencing some similar activity of your own...  Now onto True Ghost Tales from people all over the world.

This is a account of the current hauntings in the Home I live in in the City of Chatsworth California. I moved into this house as a guest of some friends of mine and have been here for about 15 or so years. Soon after I moved into the house I would hear footsteps at night when no one was awake or walking around. Having experienced this before I simply listened to see if it was one of the children or the Man whose home I was living in who at that time was a High School Math teacher. When I opened the door to my room I would see nothing. The footsteps always sounded as if they were walking on a linoleum or tiled floor but the floor in the hallway has a rug on it. After hearing this for weeks I told my roommates what I was hearing at night. The Wife of my host told me that they had been hearing those footsteps ever since they moved into the house. She also said if I wanted to see a different type of ghost, to watch out of the corner of my eyes when I was watching television in the living room. I did so and ever since then I occasionally see at least 3 different ghost cats. It took several years for me to actually see the ghost who was walking in the hallways and occasionally opening and closing the hallway doors when either I or no one was home. One night I stayed up late to watch a movie on the TV and when I went into the hallway I saw a dim figure at the end of the hallway. It looked like a middle aged man with dark wavy hair. My Host has white hair and has had it since his early 20′s so I knew it was not him. The ghost walked through the closed door at the end of the hall which was at that time being used as a store room. I continue to see the ghost cats (although there seem to be more of them now) as well as hearing the doors open and close as well as someone walking in the hallway to this day.  More True Ghost Tales to come!

Friday, November 18, 2011

True Ghost Tales-Hearing Voices at Night by Carri

My Personal Notes: First off, I wanted to see how many True Ghost Tales, I could personally find in the public blog posts. But my mission also was to find short posts, that were actually written fairly decently! Hopefully, helping some of these blog posters get their ghost tales out there for you to enjoy. And also, at the same time give some insight to people out there, that may be experiencing some similar activity of your own...  Now onto True Ghost Tales from people all over the world.

 It was 1:15am Sunday night in Rockford Illinois. I was putting my little 9 year old Christina to bed. She kept on insisting that she was hearing tapping on her bedroom window. Every time she goes to the bathroom she hears tapping on the window and communicates with a spirit. I told her some ghost stories because she likes to hear them to fall asleep. I turned out the light and set the alarm for school the next day. I sat next to her bed for about 15 minutes and shut her bedroom door. The German Sheppard was resting outside the bedroom door. All of the sudden I heard a distinctive man’s voice outside Christina’s door. He was having a conversation but I could not make out what he was saying. The voice was so close to me that I was terrified. I feel asleep on the floor in her room. I remembered that the voice was either coming from the dog or the basement vent. All of the sudden I heard 3 voices again but outside my house. I heard some yelling. I could hear banging and some screams. I looked at the clock sleepy and realized it was 3:30am. By now I was afraid and had a hard time falling asleep. I woke up at 7am and dressed my daughter and took her to school for the day. The next day I came home from work at 4am and my son greeted me at the door and told me that the teenage girl next door was in fear for her life. Her stepfather is a convicted sex offender and was beating her. She asked my 19 year old son if she could hide at my house in case her stepfather beats her again. My son agreed. We also have a court case this weekend for a boy that stabbed my daughter with a knife. He cut her lightly but the States Attorney wants to prosecute in the courts. Christina still is hearing voices and tapping on her window. I also have a workplace bully who is tormenting me. I think all these incidents are interconnected. The paranormal thing that is significant is the voice in the living room. The voice was so real and so close to my door that it scared me. The more pressure I have on me the more I can hear paranormal voices. I know the screams I heard were my neighbors. But the voice outside the bedroom window was a true paranormal encounter.

 More True Ghost Tales to come!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Can Ghosts Hurt You?- A Case of Mistaken Identity

A question that seems to be on a lot of newbie ghost hunters out there is this... Can Ghosts Hurt You? NO! " See how I answered that pretty quickly lol! :)" But, really on a more serious side, they really can't... It's a case of mistaken identity, ghosts are just like us after all they were us at one time. If they spent their lives being anti-social, than chances are they just want to be left alone. And if they were a social butterfly, chances are you'll get more activity from them.

Now with all that being said... The only way ghosts can hurt you is mentally. If your terrified to begin with about seeing a ghost for the first time, well your stress levels are going to rise and you'll feel it physically no doubt.

Now as for the bad guys of the spiritual world they are quite capable of causing severe harm but they are of the inhuman variety. Demonic spirits do have the ability to cause serious injury of both the mental and physical variety. However, attacks by demonic entities are extremely rare, thank God, although they do take place more than most people realize or are willing to admit. Still, your chances of encountering one are minute, unless you delve into high-risk areas such as practicing the black arts or you live an evil lifestyle that would be attractive to demonic entities. Far and away, the most likely spirit you will encounter will be human.

Hope this helps put you at ease at least a little bit :) May do a part 2 on this...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ghost Hunting Without Equipment-Twitter Question

Here's a question I get from twitter sometimes... "Do I actually need ghost hunting equipment, to enjoy ghost hunting?" Awesome question. The quick answer absolutely not! Ghost hunting is all about the obsevation. Now if you are seeking out to record anomalies and strange paranormal activity, to present as evidence, then equipment such as analog/digital voice recorders and EMF detectors, mel-meters, perhaps a 35mm camera "Black& White Film" will provide you that. But under no circumstance... get caught up in all the hoopla over having to buy expensive equipment, in order to enjoy ghost hunting.

Why invest a lot of money into something your not even sure your going to enjoy 100%. If it turns out that you get hooked and can't get enough of investigating, let that determine how much you want to invest. Many times I'll just sit there with a laser grid "Which you can pick-up fairly cheap from Ebay" and my old analog tape recorder with an external mic, and catch some great stuff. But I must warn you this is a hobby of pure patience, they don't always like to come out and play...you'll probably go through a bunch of investigations, before hitting gold, but when you do "OH Boy!!!" that's all I can say... Now what I would do is take some serious notes, you'll want to record exactly what you were feeling or seeing...this includes the Time, Date, the Spot you got the feeling from. By doing this, you'll be able to go back when you can afford a little equipment, and maybe get a jump start with some activity. :)

 Whatever you decide...Don't ever feel that you must own some facy dancy equipment in order to enjoy ghost hunting, "this is just not true!" Just do it you'll be so amped, you won't even be thinking about equipment once your in there for the first time :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Can Ghosts Really Follow You Home From An Investigation?

One can never make a blanket statement about the activities of spirits. Remember were dealing with individuals and like you and me...Their all different too. We seldom worry about whether or not the people we meet will follow us home. The same principle hold true and usually can be apply to ghosts. Ghosts have to be approached one by one. Beings their all different, most ghosts have a reason to be wherever they happen to be. Sometimes it is unfinished business from when they were alive For some, they haunt a given area because of a traumatic event or a quick and un-expected death. Other, perhaps are afraid to move on and stay at the location they feel most comfortable in. None the less, they all have a different reason to be where we find them. Additionally, ghosts need an anchor, a point of attachment as most humans do - a place to call home. Ghosts don't tend to be nomadic or are known to roam, wandering from one place to the next as if they were a homeless person or a drifter. Each and every location you investigate will always be filled with the unknown, But I can say over the past years of paranormal investigation and research, and coming in contact of all types of unknowns...neither I nor anyone on any of my investigative teams has ever had anything follow them home. The preliminary investigation can often answer the question before hand as to whether or not a spirit will follow you anywhere. Every site is different, so use your common sense and plan each investigation before starting. After all, there are no "guarantees" in paranormal investigating. In conclusion, it is extremly doubtful a ghost will follow you home. As I mentioned before each are different. Some have different abilities, some may go wherever they choose. Others are stuck at the location they haunt and couldn't follow you if they wanted. But most are at the location they haunt for a reason, and we the living aren't it. It's never a bad idea to say a prayer prior to an investigation I always do, a little added armor doesn't hurt... :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

What's Stopping You from Ghost Hunting-Don't Let GAC or TAPS Stop Ya

My son and I love watching all the paranormal shows that come on during the week :) GAC, TAPS Paranormal challenge, pretty much all of them lol! We get a real kick out of all the advanced high tech equipment they use...this got me thinking though...there are probably quite a few people out there, really wanting to see if this is something they would like to do for themselves, but are thinking they cant afford such equipment. " So they never even bother, to even try to see if it's something they might actually enjoy, and have a knack at lol!"

All the shows creates the illusion that the only way you can capture
any kind of paranormal activity would be to have all sorts of these
advanced techno tools.

Just because you don't have high dollar ghost hunting equipment
does not mean you can't have an effective paranormal investigation.
A lot of people make that assumption when they first think of going
on a ghost hunt.

This is a myth and simply not true, don't let the lack of the high
tech equipment be the one reason that holds you back from trying
something you may really enjoy.

What if you invested 100's or 1000's into ghost
hunting equipment and dicovered it wasn't your cup of tea.

Here's my point...

95% of all successful ghost hunts comes down to one main factor,
"Being in the right place at the right time".

In order to capture that great photo or record that fantastic EVP
you have to find yourself in a specific place at an exact second,
as we all know Ghost don't appear on command.

There are no magical paranormal investigations tools or electronic
ghost hunting equipment that will "make things happen" in an
investigation. The only way to get the great photo or EVP is to be
persistent in your quest and hunt things down.

So let's get to the basics and discuss what you really need verses
what you've been trained to believe you have to have.

The following list is very short and I think you will be very
surprised how easy it is to get started.

(1) A disposable Camera with flash - around $12 dollars or less
(2) A digital recorder or mini cassette - $25 to $48 dollars
(3) A flashlight - with batteries - under $5 bucks
(4) EMF detector. Not needed right away however runs about $40
dollars and up.

That's about it...

If you own a "Film Camera" use it, if you have a digital camera...use
it, but do it with integrity and don't add, subtract or manipulate
the actual photo in anyway.

Cassettes, digital recorders and even MP3 players....Yes, I have even
used an MP3 player to record with and had very good luck. If you
have one of these ...use it!

Flash lights:
More than likely you already own one but later down the road you
may want to upgrade to a GOOD L.E.D. hand held version.

I use a L.E.D. headset it has 3 white L.E.D. lights and with the
flick of a switch can go to red for night vision. You can snag one
for yourself in the sporting goods dept. at Wal-Mart for around $15

EMF detectors:
Helps detect any electromagnetic fluctuations or disturbances in a
given area. The disturbances do not necessarily have to be
paranormal. EMF or Electromagnetic Fields can be found anywhere
that has electric wiring or requires electricity to work.

High EMF can cause a variety of effects, symtoms like nausea,
headaches, skin irritations and rashes. Often when placed in
confined spaces people report mood swings, feelings of being
watched and overall uneasiness.

Using a good EMF detector may help to find "probable causes" of
many paranormal events and could enable you to give an alternative
scientific explanation other than something paranormal.

On the other hand should something paranormal try to manifest
itself the EMF detector will tell you if an locations magnetic
field is, or has changed thus making you aware of the possibility
of paranormal activity.

Hopefully this post breaks the illusion of you having to invest 1000s of dollars in equipment, just to find out if  ghost hunting is something you would really enjoy doing! :)

Just do it! :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Information on Ghosts-How to Ghost Hunt

I was going to use this as a companion to my Ghost Seeker guide, because of the length of this post. But decided to just do the post instead, I figured it might help all those on their next ghost hunt to have a little information on ghosts before they head out for the first time.


I really feel the need to warn you... This is a lengthy post, so please bare with me... You may even want to print it out, and find a nice comfortably place to read at your leisure :)

Ok so here we go... you have totally and fully decided that you would like to try your hand at ghost hunting... Now for the big question...Do you believe you will fully understand what you're interacting with if
you're lucky enough to find anything?

Do you know there are many distinct varieties of ghosts?

I believed that it's important that all of us have a basic theory of
how a number of types and ways a energy or entity can manifest, and what
makes them completely different from each other.


I have got to advise you the following is an in-depth report so you may want to print
it out and find somewhere comfortable to sit and read it.


I'll start here because they are the most well-known and also the most
common to be mistaken as a paranormal experience.

A orb is quite simply a ball of light that shows up unexpectedly in a
photo. Normally white or bluish in color, one or more may appear on
an in any other case normal photos, and are in some cases captured on
videotape as well (in which case they are usually moving, often at
a high level of speed.)

The human brain creates electricity and when one passes away their
energy still remains. Albert Einstein had at one time shown
scientifically proved that when electricity has been created, it
cannot be destroyed. So where does it go?

Be careful if you decide to tag a spot on a photograph or see
something zipping by on video as an orb, 9 times out of 10 it's
dust or a flying insect, if your outdoors rain and even high
humidity can cause unique effects when using image capturing


It takes more energy to configure into a full body apparition than
a small ball of light or perhaps mist energies.

Easily confused with normal shadows, these dark ghostly apparitions
are often spotted at a distance or in peripheral vision, and are
between two and ten feet long. They are quite often experienced as a
small darting essence in the corner of the eye, or as a larger and
more menacing humanoid presence.

Unique enough, light will not pass through them, these type
spirit energies have density and can make a shadow on the ground
or the wall.

Shadows are relatively common and have been cast when orbs and
vortex's are photographed. Shadow People because of their dark
forms are often considered to be evil.

Again TV and movies portray these ghostly apparitions as being bad
and evil. This in truth is a misconception, shadow people are
simply another manifestation of spirit energies.

There are actually three separate types:

Type 1 - Appear as a small dark misty cloud and are almost always
under two feet in length, but can hover or drift up to 8 feet high.

Type 2 - Appear as a huge glob of thick cloudy mass. They traditionally
range from 2 to 8 feet in size.    

Type 3- Appear in human form and some may be seen wearing a hat.
They typically appear up to 8 feet in height. Most often came across in
homes. They have also been reported to have been seen outdoors at a
extended distance. Birds and cats are certainly sensitive to them.


Apparitions are the appearance of a ghost or spirit, often taking
the kind of a visual image of a passed individual in either real
life or on film. Then again there are apparitions based on each of the
five senses.

Usually visual, auditory, tactile, or olfactory, very rarely is the
sense of taste involved.

Examples include:

* Visual: The appearance of a person who was commonly associated
with the area in life.

* Auditory: Sounds of walking, voices, doors opening, or battle are
the most common types of auditory apparitions.

* Olfactory: Smells or odors, such as perfume or cigar smoke,
commonly associated with the area or an individual or event.

* Tactile: Feeling a slight wind in a closed-off room, or a slight
tug on a person's clothing with nobody in the immediate vicinity.
A spirit that is in human form and usually visible to the naked
eye; or may appear in a photo originally undetected.

Often this anomaly is dressed in period clothing. Very very difficult to
capture on film but many have recorded seeing this type of ghost.
This is the "Most Featured" ghost in many movie channels.

A ghost of the present that looks exactly the same to a living person but
behaves differently.

A wonderful example would be if you were standing in front of a mirror
brushing your teeth and turned to pick up your toothbrush, But....The
reflection in the mirror continued looking forward.


The term poltergeist is a German word for noisy ghost.  This appertains
to a rambunctious behavior of an assumed entity.
Traditionally, poltergeists were thought to be mischievous spirits
who enjoyed frightening people, pulling pranks, and being extremely
interactive with the physical environment.

Unlike traditional hauntings, this phenomenon was temporary,
usually a few days to a few months.  The most significant trait is
the fact that it seems to center around one person, called the

In most cases this individual was an adolescent female. This
eventually led researchers to develop new theories in which
teenage females going through intensive hormonal changes use up a
great deal of emotional energy.

Mainly because of this it seemed likely that a poltergeist was a
mysterious entity that fed off of this energy. Another theory
believes that poltergeists are not an entity at all.

Through telekinesis it appeared possible that these young women
subconsciously released their pent-up frustrations of energy.  Once
the period of hormonal stress and mental tension has passed, the
activity would cease.

1. Is dependent upon the presence of a specific individual or
individuals, often referred to as agent(s).

2. Usually makes the biggest impact on physical objects.

3. Is usually temporary.


A ghost of the future that brings warning of impending events. This
is a friendly ghost and seems to choose it's contacts to deliver
messages of impending danger.


Are ghosts that appear to be conscious and often interactive; can
apply to something other than human.
These are the most intense of infestations, and fortunately, very

Many people have beliefs on what this final level of ghosts
are - some people think they are extremely violent individuals,
murderers, psychotics, and just plain evil people.

Strangely enough, they are almost exclusively called forth through
Ouija Boards, séances, and necromancy ceremonies. If someone else
called forth an entity in a home - it can remain dormant for years
- even decades - until circumstances are right for it to manifest.

1. It will wait until it can emerge at its strongest.

2. It feeds on anger, strive, depression, arguments, and general

3. It can make these emotions worse.

4. The more psychologically drained an individual becomes, the
stronger it will become.

5. Are usually humans or animals that have died.

6. Often use the electrical environment to manifest.

7. Can create both subjective and objective experiences.

8. Can come from the past, present or future.

A word to the wise:

Paranormal Investigation and Ouija Boards DO NOT GO TOGETHER.

Ouija Boards are used in programs such as "Most Haunted" but they
have no place in a paranormal researching as they pull in (As you
read above) really mean spirited energies often leave you a lot more than
you ever bargain for...Ouija Boards - " Just Don't "

Having to wrap this up... there has been a lot written about ghosts,
nothing has been demonstrated beyond a shadow of doubt that ghost are a

Scientists still believe that ghosts and spirits are something that
has been born out of the fear of person's.

Who knows, maybe you'll be the one to capture the undisputable,
scientific information that testifies once and for all of which ghosts do
really exist...

Hey all you awesome ghost hunters out there...Yeah I'm talking to you! :) If you found this post helpful in any way whatsoever, will you please give me a shout out, share this post with your friends and be sure to visit my facebook profile add me as your friend & while your at it drop by my fanpage.



Happy Ghost Hunting!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Ghost Seeker Guide Vol:1- Free Chapter Read...Ghost Seeker Checklist

Hey guys getting ready to head out for an overnight Ghost Hunt, at the Swedish National Sanatorium, we are so stoked about this one! A lot of the maintenance people there report machines being turned on for no reason whatsoever, huge chains that hang from the rafters that they use to move heavy equipment start to sway back & forth from a dead stop, countless voices are heard, there are even reports of an apparition who looks to be choking on something. Anyway, we are so stoked about this one as you can probably tell by now! I wanted to leave all my wonderful Twitter & Facebook friends this little Gift! A free chapter from my Ghost Seeker guide vol:1 about Getting Permission and other important factors that should be followed before doing your very first Ghost Hunt for yourselves :) Well hope you enjoy, need to stop at radio shack and pick up a few things...batteries mainly lol! Have an awesome weekend!!!   

Ghost Seeker Checklist

1.      Always and I mean always, get written permission to hunt on the premises. Some would say verbal permission is just as good, but in reality when your dealing with bumping around through someones house whether vacant or not...written permission will save your butt in more ways then one.

"personally for myself and my team, we wont touch a property if they are not willing to sign a written permission slip to be on the property."

Better to be safe and avoid any lawsuits later on down the road, in case you end up breaking something by accident.

This little signed contract, that only takes a few seconds to sign, will save you a whole lot of headaches on down the road...trust me I’ve been totally there!

2. Do you have any identification on you? This should be a no brainer,but you would be surprised at how many people don't carry it on them. And if for some reason your stopped by local authorities, not having this can ruin your entire evening of ghost seeking. The main reason being, they will need this to verify that you do indeed have permission by the owner who signed the written agreement to be on the property. And I guarantee you they will check!

3. Make sure that you always hunt with somebody,never venture off on your own. You never know what dangers may be lurking about the property, and I'm not speaking of just the paranormal activity. Depending on the age of the house your investigating, there can be many physical hazards all over the place. Not to mention, if your investigating an abandoned building, there can be a different kind of danger namely gang members or homeless people that only go there at night. So it might be a good idea, if your un-sure of the surroundings to see if the local police department can do a quick sweep for you, if you have any doubts whatsoever.

" Having a cell phone with you,which I'm sure most of you are going to have is a must! After all the team comes first, you never want to jeopardize yourself or anyone else in danger!"

4.      Keep all your equipment in immaculately clean shape. By having a routine, of always keeping your equipment clean and well packed away when not in use, will prevent the possibilities of registering "false positives" and destroying your findings when it comes time to reveal the activity you found to the property owner. Thus, hurting your credentials and your rep in the property owners eyes.
"This is never a good thing!"

5.      Always keep in good spirits, and emit from your body as much positive energy that you can muster. Show respect for the deceased. Although, there are times when provoking does have it's advantages, but for now that’s not the scope of this guide, I will go over this more in a future guide. Most of the time ghosts/spirits respond and manifest themselves to you,if you don't appear threatening in anyway to them.

6.      Another must, but it does take some practice, is to interview witnesses who have had an experience with the paranormal activity. just make sure you remain objective, try to find out if anything can be re-created by a natural means. "Debunk if you can..." but remain respectful and act in a professional manner. Remember, a lot of these folks are in some cases genuinely concerned of what's going on in their home or on their property. And gosh forbid if children are involved the level of concern rises 100 fold.

7.      Do not contaminate your investigation with cigarette smoke this alone has given more false positives then anything else. "If you must smoke take it far away from where your investigating!" And if your drinking this surely ruins all your credibility as far as if you thought you heard something. 'nobody's going to believe you...' And besides all that...it's down right disrespectful to the property owners and the very spirits your trying to seek. "So just don't do it!"

8.      Always be sure that all your audio and video is starting on a fresh file. This practice ensures that all your recordings will have no cross contamination from recording over dirty files.

9.      All team members involved in the ghost seeking should keep a detailed journal of everything they do,say and hear. That means if Bill clears his throat or happens to bump into something creating a sound, Bill needs to take note of it in his journal along with the exact time it occurred. That way, when it comes time to review the audio,video etc... Each member of the team can compare notes, and make rule out what was paranormal and what was just team noise or outside noise.

"A good habit to get into, is to practice speaking to your partner,in a soft but legible speaking tone, and do so as quietly as you possibly can."

10.  Under no circumstances wear cologne or perfume, reason being some spirits will let you know there around by emitting a fragrant odor. From research and even personal experience, a floral type of scent, usually represents a pleasant spirit. But, a foul pungent odor has in more cases then any represented a possible hostile spirit.

11.  Is ghost hunting an expensive venture? No! It can be...but, you don't really need $25,000 worth of equipment to get some great evidence! A simple $250 to $400 digital video camera will do a great job. You can go to Radio Shack or really any electronic store and pick up a DVR (Digital Voice Recorder), on the cheap, about $90. As far as the computer software, a basic sound enhancement program, would be fine. The only other expense you really don't want to go, to cheap with, would be your batteries "There your life blood!" These you'll want to make sure that they are specifically designed for use in your digital equipment.

12.  During your recording of EVP's (Electronic Voice Phenomena) Be sure the area you decide to set the DVR down on is level, this will help rule out any vibrations from a shaky unsteady hand.

13.  A couple of team members along with the client should do a quick walk-through of the house or property to be investigated. "Remember to take plenty of pictures and physically take note of areas of most paranormal activity that the property or home owner states. "This is what is known as your beginning base reading."

14.  Last but not least...don't come to your own conclusions on-site. It's always best to go over all the evidence as a team and compare notes amongst yourselves before ever coming to any kinda conclusion. Keep any conclusions or personal opinions to yourself, until all pic's, videos, and any audio has been studied fully and completely. If someone happens to ask you for your opinion on something, simply say, "We really need to try and find out what's making this happen." Never ever yell paranormal or ghost until all your investigated work has been fully completed.

The tips mentioned during this 2nd chapter ,are mere guidelines to be followed to the letter, before even thinking about investigating a location. What you will learn in the upcoming chapters is everything our team does to the letter, not to mention our exact step by step process for getting the best results from all our Ghost Adventures quests.... Of course other groups of ghost seekers may or may not do things a bit different, some manage to find certain techniques work better for them then others. But the focus of this first field guide in the series of Ghost Seekers is to be as newbie friendly in the beginning, ( not to overwhelm!) to get you started on bottom floor to insure that all your ghost hunts are following a well laid out process of protocols to keep you and your team members in check & safe. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Aaron Goodwin - Ghost Adventures Crew (GAC)-Mahna Mahna

Had to put this video on my blog LOL! :) You think they may be a little wasted? Ha Ha... What you do on long road trips! I'm getting this as an mp3 download lol!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Molly Brown House Haunted-Smell That Cigar...

Even though now... the Molly Brown House is a Museum, their spirits still seem very much attached to their dream home. We had received special permission to do a quick investigation, about a month ago, and all of us including a neighbor, who really wanted to go on a ghost hunt at least once. Smelled cigar smoke a quarter of the way through the investigation, and ran from the building, nearly running over Billy lol! Anyway, that's kinda the way it goes...I guess...your either hell bent passionate about ghost hunting, and trying to maintain a certain level of composure, or your not and are just there to say you did it at least once, but never again.

The rest of the night consisted of a lot of shadow play, and even a few keys being tickled on the piano, but absolutely no sound, when we examined the piano, everything seemed to be in perfect working order...  'some very cool stuff!' :)

One of the reports were from a while back from a girl named Lynn, who was actually at the house when it was turned into a house for wayward girls, much like how group homes are today. her statement was:

  When I was 13 years old I lived in the Molly Brown House. It was,at that time , a home for teenage girls who had no where else to go. At night, while I laid in my bed.I would hear noise comming from the top floor. No one was allowed up there. But I used to hear squeeking noises. like a rocking chair. One afternoon the houseparents let us go up there and take a look. I saw an old rocking chair up there. It did not scare me. But, I would think about it while I was laying in bed at night trying to sleep. I have alot of memories from that time. Some good some not so great. I was there at the end. I know why they closed it down. I know why they decied not to continue to run it as a home for wayward girls anymore. I know the whole story. It is pretty interesting in itself.

And even still today, many of the employees still have plenty of stories to tell you, whether all of them are true or not, I've always taken most with a grain of salt, I like actually catching stuff for myself, but I'm always up for a good ghost story...and when they sometimes match up to what the team and I experience that's a major bonus.

So if you are ever in Denver, definitely see about getting access to the Molly Brown House haunted museum, you can find out all the back history of Molly Brown house online, she was an exceptional most giving woman, one I would of loved to meet and talk to for hours!

Here's a map I googled for all you, if you ever make it here to Denver...

View Larger Map

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cheesman Park Haunted-They Just Moved the Grave Stones...

Weekend Haunt: I have decided to blog about the places to go Ghost Seeking here in Colorado, along with providing some history, that should help you immensely during all of your future ghost adventures, here in my neck of the woods. This weekend we visit  Cheesman Park Haunted, as a Ghost Seeker myself, I believe knowing everything you can possibly learn about an upcoming investigation, makes the biggest difference in the world, when it comes to getting the best evidence you can possibly get, and this goes without saying, that each haunt you go on...be sure to get there a day before the actual investigation, so you can get the lay of the land or dwelling your going to be exploring. And most importantly do it in a safe manner! Some areas, may not be in the best parts of a neighborhood "If that's the case..." be sure to have local authorities do a clean sweep of the area before you set up for the night, there may be vagrants, druggies, roosting in some of these empty buildings and if you startle them...there could be trouble...And your adventure will be over, before you even get started... Better Safe Than Sorry! With that being said, You'll just love, popping up a tent at Cheesman Park :)

Cheesman Park is a place that some say hides a legacy of horror. There is no disputing the fact that it has long been considered haunted and for reasons that few readers will not understand. You see, this beautifully landscaped park was built over the desecration of the old City Cemetery. This was a dark period in Denver history and as with other such sites, ghosts and hauntings were born from it. However, this was not merely a desecration, nor was it just a case of a few buildings being constructed over some old burial sites. This episode was a scandal that rocked the city government, outraged the public and filled with the newspapers with lurid tales! Read on... and you'll soon find why Cheesman Park and the surrounding neighborhood has long been infested with ghosts!

In 1858, a man named William Larimer set aside 320 acres of ground that were to be used as a cemetery in the new and growing city of Denver, Colorado. He named the cemetery Mount Prospect and sites on the crest of the hill were to be set aside for the rich and influential residents of the city. Paupers and criminals were to be buried on the far edges of the graveyard and ordinary people would find burial spots somewhere in the middle.

The first burials to take place here were the victims of crime and violence. A Hungarian immigrant named John Stoefel had come to Denver to settle a dispute with his brother-in-law and ended up murdering him. After a short trial, Stoefel was dragged away by a mob and hanged from a cottonwood tree. He and his brother-in-law were then taken to Mount Prospect and their bodies were unceremoniously dumped into the same grave. Murder victims and those killed in accidents continued to be buried in the lower sections of the cemetery and the name Mount Prospect began to fall out of use. Most people simply referred to the place as the "Old Boneyard" or "Boot Hill". The cemetery failed to gain the respect and reverence that William Larimer intended for it to have.

As time passed though, Denver began to flourish, with large fortunes being made in silver mining and real estate. Embarrassed by the unseemly reputation of the local cemetery (and names like Boot Hill), the city fathers decided to re-name the graveyard the City Cemetery in 1873. Even the new name though couldn't hide the fact that it was becoming an eyesore. Lack of interest and care had caused the cemetery grounds to revert back to nature. Tombstones had fallen over, prairie dogs had burrowed into the hills and cattle were allowed to graze among the graves. Some time before, affluent families had started burying their loved ones at the newer Riverside and Fairlawn Cemeteries and were leaving the City Cemetery to paupers, criminals, transients and unclaimed smallpox and typhus victims from the local pesthouse.

Meanwhile, ownership of the cemetery passed from Larimer to a cabinetmaker named John J. Walley, who soon went into the undertaking business. He did little to improve the situation in the cemetery and with new homes and mansions being built nearby, the city government was being pressured to do something about it. They soon found a way to pull a fast one over on owner John Walley. Out of the blue, someone in the U.S. Government discovered that the cemetery was on land that was part of an Indian treaty that dated back to before 1860. This made the United States the legitimate owner of the property and in 1890, they sold it to the city of Denver for $200.

The city soon went to work. During Walley's ownership, the cemetery had been divided into three sections. The city's portion had deteriorated but the Catholic and Jewish sections continued to be well-maintained. Soon after the city took over the land, the Jewish churches removed their dead from the graveyard and leased the land to the City's Water Department. The Catholic Church purchased their own land and kept the cemetery in excellent condition until 1950.

The following summer, City Hall announced that all interested parties should remove their dead from the City Cemetery for burial elsewhere within 90 days. Some were reburied by concerned family members but more than 5,000 of the dead were forgotten and went unclaimed. In the early spring of 1893, preparations were made to remove these bodies. At that time, Denver's mayor, Platt Rogers, who worried about the health hazards of opening the graves, was out of town. Ordinances were passed to release funds for the removal and an unscrupulous undertaker named E.F. McGovern was awarded the contract. He specified that each body would be dug up and then placed in a new box at the site, but the box was to only be 3 1/2 feet long and one foot wide. Upon delivery of these boxes to Riverside Cemetery, McGovern would be paid $1.90 each.

In March, McGovern's men went to work. Curiosity-seekers and reporters came out to watch and at first, things were orderly and smooth but it didn't take long for the work to become careless. According to the legends, an old woman came down to speak to the men and told them that they should whisper a prayer over every body that was unearthed... or the dead would return. Needless to say, the workmen laughed at her, but they had a hard time concealing their obvious unease. Their haste also allowed souvenir hunters and onlookers to help themselves to items from the caskets. The bodies that had not decayed sufficiently enough to fit into the small wooden boxes were broken apart and shoveled out of the old caskets.

And none of these people (including the workmen) were immune to fear. One workmen, a man named Jim Astor, claimed that he felt a ghost land atop his shoulders. He was so frightened that he threw down a stack of brass nameplates that he had looted from old coffins and ran for his life. He did not return to the site the following day. People who lived in the homes nearby began to report spectral manifestations in their houses and confused spirits who knocked on their doors and windows throughout the night. In the darkness, low moaning sounds could be heard over the field of open graves... a sound that can still sometimes be heard today.

By the time that Mayor Rogers returned to town, the local newspapers were running front page stories about the atrocities being committed at the cemetery and the general state of corruption at City Hall. The stories brought to light that there were discrepancies between the number of re-burials being charged to the city and the actual number of boxes being delivered to Riverside Cemetery. The matter had become a full-blown scandal and with the help of the health commissioner, he brought the project to a halt. An investigation was launched, leaving the gaping holes in the ground unfilled. Eventually, the rest of the bodies would be forgotten... and they are still there, under the surface of the park's grounds and gardens.

In 1907, work was completed to turn the City Cemetery into Cheesman Park. It was named in honor of Walter S. Cheesman, a prominent citizen of Denver. Two years later, the marble pavilion shown in the postcard (top of article) was constructed in his memory. In 1950, the Catholic Church sold its adjacent cemetery and an orderly removal took place. Since then, that portion of the land has become Denver's Botanical Gardens. What was once the Jewish section of the cemetery is now Congress Park.

But despite the passing years of peace, the ghosts who were disturbed more than a century ago have returned, or perhaps have never left at all. Many people who come to the park (and don't know its history) speak of feelings of oppression and sadness, even in these peaceable surroundings. Others still claim to occasionally sight the misty figures, strange shadows and apparitions of the dead. These ghostly images wander in confusion, perhaps wondering what has become of their final resting places. One has to wonder if they will ever find peace?

Now catch some awesome EVP's or maybe even... capture something else at Cheesman Park Haunted

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Author Trailer-Ghost Daze by Frank Potterstone

Here's my very first Author Trailer or Book Trailer for Ghost Daze not sure what they call them now. Anyway it's my first published book, and its available at Amazon.com for the kindle. I'll be adding more books in the very near future, maybe I'll get a professional to do these trailers. But for now, I've been doing them on my own, hopefully there not to terribly done. Please tell me in the comments below, If you think I should hire a pro, I would really appreciate any feedback given. Thanks everyone!