Thursday, September 29, 2011

What's Stopping You from Ghost Hunting-Don't Let GAC or TAPS Stop Ya

My son and I love watching all the paranormal shows that come on during the week :) GAC, TAPS Paranormal challenge, pretty much all of them lol! We get a real kick out of all the advanced high tech equipment they use...this got me thinking though...there are probably quite a few people out there, really wanting to see if this is something they would like to do for themselves, but are thinking they cant afford such equipment. " So they never even bother, to even try to see if it's something they might actually enjoy, and have a knack at lol!"

All the shows creates the illusion that the only way you can capture
any kind of paranormal activity would be to have all sorts of these
advanced techno tools.

Just because you don't have high dollar ghost hunting equipment
does not mean you can't have an effective paranormal investigation.
A lot of people make that assumption when they first think of going
on a ghost hunt.

This is a myth and simply not true, don't let the lack of the high
tech equipment be the one reason that holds you back from trying
something you may really enjoy.

What if you invested 100's or 1000's into ghost
hunting equipment and dicovered it wasn't your cup of tea.

Here's my point...

95% of all successful ghost hunts comes down to one main factor,
"Being in the right place at the right time".

In order to capture that great photo or record that fantastic EVP
you have to find yourself in a specific place at an exact second,
as we all know Ghost don't appear on command.

There are no magical paranormal investigations tools or electronic
ghost hunting equipment that will "make things happen" in an
investigation. The only way to get the great photo or EVP is to be
persistent in your quest and hunt things down.

So let's get to the basics and discuss what you really need verses
what you've been trained to believe you have to have.

The following list is very short and I think you will be very
surprised how easy it is to get started.

(1) A disposable Camera with flash - around $12 dollars or less
(2) A digital recorder or mini cassette - $25 to $48 dollars
(3) A flashlight - with batteries - under $5 bucks
(4) EMF detector. Not needed right away however runs about $40
dollars and up.

That's about it...

If you own a "Film Camera" use it, if you have a digital camera...use
it, but do it with integrity and don't add, subtract or manipulate
the actual photo in anyway.

Cassettes, digital recorders and even MP3 players....Yes, I have even
used an MP3 player to record with and had very good luck. If you
have one of these ...use it!

Flash lights:
More than likely you already own one but later down the road you
may want to upgrade to a GOOD L.E.D. hand held version.

I use a L.E.D. headset it has 3 white L.E.D. lights and with the
flick of a switch can go to red for night vision. You can snag one
for yourself in the sporting goods dept. at Wal-Mart for around $15

EMF detectors:
Helps detect any electromagnetic fluctuations or disturbances in a
given area. The disturbances do not necessarily have to be
paranormal. EMF or Electromagnetic Fields can be found anywhere
that has electric wiring or requires electricity to work.

High EMF can cause a variety of effects, symtoms like nausea,
headaches, skin irritations and rashes. Often when placed in
confined spaces people report mood swings, feelings of being
watched and overall uneasiness.

Using a good EMF detector may help to find "probable causes" of
many paranormal events and could enable you to give an alternative
scientific explanation other than something paranormal.

On the other hand should something paranormal try to manifest
itself the EMF detector will tell you if an locations magnetic
field is, or has changed thus making you aware of the possibility
of paranormal activity.

Hopefully this post breaks the illusion of you having to invest 1000s of dollars in equipment, just to find out if  ghost hunting is something you would really enjoy doing! :)

Just do it! :)


  1. This was helpful, I have been using the above for a couple years now. Caught a Class A EVP on a cell phone once!

  2. Thanks!I try lol! And very nice with the cell phone catch! I still find myself using the old analog tape recorders from time to time... they are a lot more harder to dismiss, as long as you have an external mic :) Hope to see you around for all my future posts. Have a great weekend!
