Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Molly Brown House Haunted-Smell That Cigar...

Even though now... the Molly Brown House is a Museum, their spirits still seem very much attached to their dream home. We had received special permission to do a quick investigation, about a month ago, and all of us including a neighbor, who really wanted to go on a ghost hunt at least once. Smelled cigar smoke a quarter of the way through the investigation, and ran from the building, nearly running over Billy lol! Anyway, that's kinda the way it goes...I guess...your either hell bent passionate about ghost hunting, and trying to maintain a certain level of composure, or your not and are just there to say you did it at least once, but never again.

The rest of the night consisted of a lot of shadow play, and even a few keys being tickled on the piano, but absolutely no sound, when we examined the piano, everything seemed to be in perfect working order...  'some very cool stuff!' :)

One of the reports were from a while back from a girl named Lynn, who was actually at the house when it was turned into a house for wayward girls, much like how group homes are today. her statement was:

  When I was 13 years old I lived in the Molly Brown House. It was,at that time , a home for teenage girls who had no where else to go. At night, while I laid in my bed.I would hear noise comming from the top floor. No one was allowed up there. But I used to hear squeeking noises. like a rocking chair. One afternoon the houseparents let us go up there and take a look. I saw an old rocking chair up there. It did not scare me. But, I would think about it while I was laying in bed at night trying to sleep. I have alot of memories from that time. Some good some not so great. I was there at the end. I know why they closed it down. I know why they decied not to continue to run it as a home for wayward girls anymore. I know the whole story. It is pretty interesting in itself.

And even still today, many of the employees still have plenty of stories to tell you, whether all of them are true or not, I've always taken most with a grain of salt, I like actually catching stuff for myself, but I'm always up for a good ghost story...and when they sometimes match up to what the team and I experience that's a major bonus.

So if you are ever in Denver, definitely see about getting access to the Molly Brown House haunted museum, you can find out all the back history of Molly Brown house online, she was an exceptional most giving woman, one I would of loved to meet and talk to for hours!

Here's a map I googled for all you, if you ever make it here to Denver...

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