Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ghost Hunting Without Equipment-Twitter Question

Here's a question I get from twitter sometimes... "Do I actually need ghost hunting equipment, to enjoy ghost hunting?" Awesome question. The quick answer absolutely not! Ghost hunting is all about the obsevation. Now if you are seeking out to record anomalies and strange paranormal activity, to present as evidence, then equipment such as analog/digital voice recorders and EMF detectors, mel-meters, perhaps a 35mm camera "Black& White Film" will provide you that. But under no circumstance... get caught up in all the hoopla over having to buy expensive equipment, in order to enjoy ghost hunting.

Why invest a lot of money into something your not even sure your going to enjoy 100%. If it turns out that you get hooked and can't get enough of investigating, let that determine how much you want to invest. Many times I'll just sit there with a laser grid "Which you can pick-up fairly cheap from Ebay" and my old analog tape recorder with an external mic, and catch some great stuff. But I must warn you this is a hobby of pure patience, they don't always like to come out and'll probably go through a bunch of investigations, before hitting gold, but when you do "OH Boy!!!" that's all I can say... Now what I would do is take some serious notes, you'll want to record exactly what you were feeling or seeing...this includes the Time, Date, the Spot you got the feeling from. By doing this, you'll be able to go back when you can afford a little equipment, and maybe get a jump start with some activity. :)

 Whatever you decide...Don't ever feel that you must own some facy dancy equipment in order to enjoy ghost hunting, "this is just not true!" Just do it you'll be so amped, you won't even be thinking about equipment once your in there for the first time :)

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